Transitioning through paediatric and into adult care is a critical time for patients and, if not carried out effectively and appropriately, can impact on education, mental health and patient outcomes. It has become clear that this is a major issue for patients, their carers and clinicians and that the transition process within and across Europe urgently needs reform.
Within this context, the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and the United European Gastroenterology (UEG) has initiated the inaugural meeting of a new ‘transitional care forum’ of patient organisations in which EFCCA participates. This forum aims to investigate and discuss the key transitional care issues facing paediatric patients with digestive and liver conditions and to develop a consensus on a joint call to action for change to be shared with policymakers and healthcare providers across Europe over the next two years.
The inauguration workshop took place on 9 October at UEG Week (Vienna). EFCCA was represented by its board member Magdalena Sajak Szczerba. She gave an in-depth overview of the situation concerning young IBD patients. Further, she explained the important role patient organisations could take when working on recommendations and insights on this topic.