
ECCO-EFCCA Patient Guidelines

The highly anticipated translations of the ECCO-EFCCA Patient Guidelines have been completed and will be officially  launched in February 2017 at the 12th Congress of ECCO in Barcelona. The ECCO Guidelines on UC and CD are considered the reference for practice by a majority of the specialist IBD units in Europe. The translations of these guidelines from medical to lay language offers patients and physicians a common background of knowledge that may facilitate dialogue, understanding and common involvement in decision making.

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"From Health System Sustainability To Promoting Inclusive Growth" - Conference Report

The Lithuanian Health Forum Conference held in Vilnius was organised to consolidate and address the policies, goals, and objectives of the Vilnius Declaration’s “Sustainable Health Systems for Inclusive Growth”, which was developed and circulated internationally during the 2013 European Council Presidency.
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Transition care in IBD

EFCCA CEO,  Luisa Avedano, participated at the press conference on Paediatric Digestive Health during the UEG Week in Vienna on 17 October 2016. She presented the Transition to Adult Care project that was being implemented by the EFCCA Youth Group and which aimed to better understand the needs of young people with IBD as concerns transitory care.

The press conference was organised following the publication of the UEG´s report on Paediatric Digestive Health Across Europe.

For more information please contact our offices.

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EFCCA Symposium

EFCCA organised a symposium on “Digital Health and Data: IBD patients´ view and perspectives”  which took place during the ECCO Congress on 14 February 2020 from 14-15h in Vienna, Austria.

This was an unique event bringing together IBD patients, healthcare providers and other stakeholder in order to start discussions on how digital health and big data can contribute in delivering more personalised care and offering a higher quality of life of patients with IBD.

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We launched our Youth Academy addressed to young IBD patients (aged between 18 and 30) with the aim to increase the representativeness of the youth group, create a cohesive group of leaders of tomorrow and to empower young representatives.

The training programme was launched in November 2021 via the EFCCA's online learning platform and was attended by 14 students.

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