
World IBD Day 2013

This month on 19 May World IBD Day is marked in many countries worldwide.   Please check out the World IBD Day website to learn more about and support some of the activities that EFCCA and other other sister organisations from around the globe are organising to raise awareness and to highlight what it means to live with IBD.   World IBD Day website at

Short summary of the Join the Fight Press conference

Watch the video   Date of issue: 2013-03-11  

White Book on IBD Research funded or promoted by IBD patient associations

This White Book on IBD Research funded or promoted by IBD patient associations was presented at the World Symposium – 18 October 2012, Brussels . The White Book aims to become a handbook and reference that IBD patient associations can use for getting new ideas in developing research-support strategies. Date of issue: 2012-10-18  

World Symposium – 18 October 2012, Brussels

World Symposium on IBD Research funded by IBD patients associations Global alliance against IBD   On 18 October 2012,  the European Federation of Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) met  in Brussels with worldwide patient associations for the first ever World Symposium on IBD research funded or promoted by IBD patients' associations.   The...

Executive Summary - Patient Advocacy Workshop

This is the Executive Summary of the Patient Advocacy Workshop on Patient Safety which took place in Barcelona from 4-6 February 2016 and gathered over 60 patient representatives from a wide range of immune modulate disease groups.A full report will be made available shortly. Date of issue: 2016-02-06  

"From Health System Sustainability To Promoting Inclusive Growth" - Conference Report

The Lithuanian Health Forum Conference held in Vilnius was organised to consolidate and address the policies, goals, and objectives of the Vilnius Declaration’s “Sustainable Health Systems for Inclusive Growth”, which was developed and circulated internationally during the 2013 European Council Presidency. Hosted by the Lithuanian Parliament, the conference on the 5th of September addressed...


The 26th Annual General Meeting of EFCCA took place in Brussels from 27-28 May 2016. It gathered over 40 delegates for one and a half days of busy work and exchange of information. In addition to the dealing with the institutional work and activities, delegates of the GA also listened to a presentation made by Marek Lichota from Apetitie for Life about artificial nutrition, a subject of...

Biosimilars and Biologics

BAB - Biologics & Biosimilars Survey The European Federation of Crohn´s and Colitis Associations (EFCCA) invites you to participate in this important survey on Biosimilars. The purpose of the survey is to assess patients´ knowledge about biosimilars and to find out to what extent patients are aware of the issues involved around biosimilars medicines. The results of the...

Join the fight against IBD Presentation Video

Watch the Join the fight against IBD Presentation Video   Date of issue: 2012-03-02  

EFCCA 2013 GA - Save the date

EFCCA General Assembly 14-17 March 2013 Slovenia Next years General Assembly will take place on 14-17 March 2013 and will be hosted by our Slovenian colleagues from the KVCB. More information will be made available in our "members" area of the website. Date of issue: 2013-03-10