As anticipated in the previous issue of our breaking news, EFCCA is collecting information on practices and initiatives on the World IBD Day planned by Member Associations. I'm particularly pleased to present you the first set of information coming from Crohn's and Colitis UK the brand-new working name of the National Association for Colitis and Crohn's Disease (NACC).
This year they will be focusing on Employment and IBD. A research among patients and employers they have undertaken will be published at a launch event in London on 17th May with a press embargo till 19th May. In the meantime Crohn's and Colitis UK are hoping to have an awareness event in the Houses of Parliament on the actual day with members encouraging their MPs to visit their stand.
Crohn's and Colitis UK have adopted the whole of May as Crohn’s and Colitis Month and they are organising a series of events – Walks and Cycle Rides - happening in different cities on successive weekends. There will also be a local and regional media campaign with case studies collected from the survey and a radio studio will be hired for a day to do a succession of local radio interviews with the panel in one place and the local radios dial in to record their interview or broadcast live). Crohn's and Colitis UK have already defined their themes for 2012 and 2013
- 2012 IBD and Sport (Fitness/Exercise/Staying healthy etc.)
- 2013 IBD and Young People (developing life skills to live better with IBD)
Relevant research conducted during the year before will be the basis for presenting the findings into a media campaign and developing an aspect of the services delivered. The 2013 theme is still to be confirmed on the basis of what the global Paediatric Gastroenterology organisation has chosen to focus on IBD for 2013. Many thanks to Richard Driscoll and the UK Association for the huge work and the information given and my best wishes for a successful and fruitful May 2011. I think this is a concrete step towards a better and more effective communication flow among us, I wait for further news from you all and I wish you all the best
Crohn's and Colitis UK new leaflet:
Date of issue: 2011-02-01