Awareness Raising

Results of survey ¨Patients’ perceptions of surgery in IBD¨

The results of the survey " Patients’ perceptions of surgery for inflammatory bowel disease" have been published this month (16 July) in the Colorectal Disease Journal.

EFCCA has collaborated in this study which was led by Professor Antonino Spinelli (Humanitas Clinical and Research Center IRCCS, Milan, Italy) and which investigated patients’ perceptions of surgery and the impact on reported outcomes.

Go to abstract:

Read time: 1 min

Everything you wanted to know about sex – but were afraid to ask!

On the occasion of World IBD Day EFCCA is pleased to publish a leaflet on IBD and intimacy in order to break the silence around this taboo subject.

It forms part of our World IBD Day 2021 #breakthesilence campaign to raise awareness around the impact the disease has on the general well-being of IBD patients.

Download leaflet: ENGLISH.pdf


Read time: 1 min

Break the Silence! World IBD Day 2021

This year, for World IBD Day, EFCCA would like to promote the discussion on IBD and wellbeing.

With our awareness raising campaign we want to start a dialogue and discussions on the psychological impact of the disease. Through a social media awareness raising campaign leading up to 19 May we want to show the hidden facts about what it is like to live with IBD. Under the hashtag #breakthesilence we want to show the world how a person with IBD really feels.

Read time: 6 mins

ImmUniverse Website Launch

EFCCA is partner in an exciting #Horizon2020 project called ImmUniverse aimed at improving diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients living with #ulcerativecolitis and #atopicdermatitis. Go and check out the freshly launched @IMI_JU #ImmUniverse website! You can now keep yourself up-to-date on all major project developments by visiting #ulcerativecolitis #atopicdermatitis #IMI_JU #H2020

Read time: 1 min

COVID-19, IBD and mental health

One effect of the COVID-19 pandemic which is given less importance in the media coverage is the effect it has on people´s mental health. Fears and worries are normal responses to any real or perceived threat and is not surprising that many people are coping with higher levels of fear and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Besides the fear of becoming infected with the virus other changes due to the lockdowns and restrictions in our daily habits have a significant impact on our mental well-being.

Read time: 3 mins



by Sanna Lönnfors, EFCCA Research and Project Coordinator

I recently participated in an online focus group on the topic of Work and IBD, the theme of this year’s World IBD Day. With seven fellow IBD patients, we thought of our job hunts and careers, how IBD has or has not affected our working lives, and what advice we could give to others who have IBD.

Read time: 5 mins